Hey there!

I'm Sharon McRae

I help women with clutter to lighten their load and reclaim their time, space, energy, and freedom.

Hey there!

I'm Sharon McRae

I help women with clutter to lighten their load and reclaim their time, space, energy, and freedom.

Hey there!

I'm Sharon McRae

I help women with clutter to lighten their load and reclaim their time, space, energy, and freedom.

Is This You?

Rather be this instead?

Is This You?

Rather be this instead?

Is This You?

Rather be this instead?

I'm here to help!

I’m a personal coach with a passion for living a simplified, decluttered life… and helping others to do the same.

I want to help you to achieve that kind of life, no matter how far away it seems to you right now.

I want to introduce you to resources you didn’t know you had. 

I want to help you conquer self-doubt.

I want to help you get unstuck and create the motivation you need not only to clear your space but to change your life.

I'm here to help!

I’m a personal coach with a passion for living a simplified, decluttered life… and helping others to do the same.

I want to help you to achieve that kind of life, no matter how far away it seems to you right now.

I want to introduce you to resources you didn’t know you had. 

I want to help you conquer self-doubt.

I want to help you get unstuck and create the motivation you need not only to clear your space but to change your life.

I'm here to help!

I’m a personal coach with a passion for living a simplified, decluttered life… and helping others to do the same.

I want to help you to achieve that kind of life, no matter how far away it seems to you right now.

I want to introduce you to resources you didn’t know you had. 

I want to help you conquer self-doubt.

I want to help you get unstuck and create the motivation you need not only to clear your space but to change your life.

FREE Resources to Help You Lighten Your Load

The FREE Simplification Starter Kit

Learn about 3 things you can ditch today for a lighter tomorrow (downloadable pdf).

Your FREE Guide to Beating Clutter

Filled with practical tips, mindset shifts, pitfalls to avoid, and a checklist to get you started.

I really liked that Sharon was not judgmental – she allowed me to self-reflect and get those innermost thoughts out without directing them towards any preconceived conclusions... I found the process and being listened to refreshing and beneficial. I felt safe and was able to express my fears, without the anxiety of being judged. I really liked how we… discussed strategies to motivate me to overcome my fears, by setting small achievable goals. Would definitely recommend a session to anyone that is feeling like they are stuck in a rut.

I really liked that Sharon was not judgmental – she allowed me to self-reflect and get those innermost thoughts out without directing them towards any preconceived conclusions... I found the process and being listened to refreshing and beneficial. I felt safe and was able to express my fears, without the anxiety of being judged. I really liked how we… discussed strategies to motivate me to overcome my fears, by setting small achievable goals. Would definitely recommend a session to anyone that is feeling like they are stuck in a rut.

Clutter is anything that gets between you and the life you want.

Ready for more
Time, Space, Energy & Freedom in your Life?

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